Show form in module

Show form with individual default values in module

Note: These features are part of the Visforms Subscription and are not included in the free Visforms version.

The Content Plugin - Visforms Form allows you to insert a Visforms form into a “Custom HTML” module and to initialize the form with individual default values. Just write a specially formatted string in the module where you want the form to appear later.

The plugin

  • finds the specially formatted string,
  • reads the configuration parameters,
  • removes the string from the module and
  • inserts the form in its place.

Basically, this plugin string is similar in form and content to the way you also embed a form in an article.
Just follow the instructions in the guide Insert form into article.

There it is shown in detail

  • how to set the form you want and
  • how to set individual default values for form fields.

Create a Custom HTML module and paste the plugin string into the module using a text editor.
Otherwise, configure the module in the usual way with regard to position, linking to menus, etc.

Note: In the module's "Options" tab, enable the "Prepare content" option. Only then will the "Content Plugins" be applied to the module. This also affects the "Content Plugin - Visforms Form".