Design Options

Design Options

On this page you will find further options for designing PDF documents.
More points will be added as needed.

Manual page break

You insert a manual page break by editing the HTML element before which the page break should occur.
Add the following attribute to this HTML element: class="AddPage".

For example, if you want to force a page break before a table:

<table class=”AddPage”>

For example, if you want to force a page break before a paragraph:

<p class=”AddPage”>

Call TCPDF functions

The TCPDF library allows you to call all functions of the TCPDF library directly from the PDF template, i.e. from the HTML.
To do this, you must include the following HTML element at the point where the function is to be executed:

<tcpdf method="method name" params="TCPDF-encoded parameter array"></tcpdf></span>

The params attribute can also be omitted for functions that do not require a parameter.

Manual page break

A manual page change is also possible with this method:

<tcpdf method="AddPage"></tcpdf>